Elevating the sounds of Saturday
The Georgia Redcoat Marching Band has thrived on private support from Bulldogs, but funding gaps still exist.
Business Engagement promotes economic growth in Athens
Boehringer Ingelheim partners with UGA to connect researchers and students through new innovation hub.
Pathway to discovery: professors endow student research
Jim and Karen Porter, professor emeriti in the Odum School of Ecology, continue to impact students after retirement through their endowment fund.
Alumna joins trailblazing collective to make an impact
Danelle Faust (BBA ’95) draws on her own UGA experiences to support future generations through a new, women-led initiative.
Honoring the past and present
Bob Miller (AB ’64) created several scholarships in honor of his loved ones to provide opportunity for current and future UGA students.
Our Georgia Commitment: Joe and Penny Hodgson
Joe (BLA ’75) and Penny (BSEd ’74, MEd ’76) Hodgson grow apples. Lots of them.
Their Middle Tennessee orchard yields 25,000 to 35,000 apples annually, and most are donated to food ministries such as the Nashville Food Project. But…
$1 million gift pledges scholarships for Terry College student veterans
Alumni BJ and Heather Schaknowski pledge a $1 million gift to provide scholarship support for student veterans enrolled in the Terry College of Business.
Public Health dean establishes scholarship to support first-gen students
Public Health Dean, Marsha Davis establishes a fund to support first-generation graduate students in the College of Public Health
Bobbi Meeler Sahm Service and Outreach awards benefit Athens/UGA partnerships
Five local projects will receive nearly $40,000 from an endowment created by Athens native and UGA alumna Bobbi Meeler Sahm.
Christel Vivor finds success and community at UGA
Because of her scholarship, she is making an impact though leadership roles, academic achievements and community involvement.